Simple Ways To Make Your Apartment in Mysore More Eco-Friendly

Though many an often tissues are made of recycled paper, the production of the same can take a lot of resources. Replace tissues with towels or make rags from old clothes and use them around the kitchen and to wipe your hands, etc.Reusing used water will help in making your apartment more eco-friendly. You can water plants with the water used to wash vegetables, rice, etc. Utilise water discarded by your RO purifier to water plants, wash vessels & vehicles to make your home more eco-friendly.Bulbs consume a lot of electricity. Replacing them with CFLs will not only help in reducing the usage of this important resource but will also help you reduce your electricity consumption and bill.Use reusable cloth bags or opt for paper bags while you shop in order to reduce your dependence on plastic bags.Learn to segregate your waste so that decomposable items and non-decomposable items can be separated. It is also suggested to opt to have a compost pit or a bin where you can make organic manure for your garden. Leaky fixtures like taps, faucets and flush tanks can waste a large amount of clean water. A lot of us tend to just oversee these errands which must be given utmost importance. After an appliance is used, it is better to unplug it immediately to avoid any accidents or wastage of energy.You may have a lot of items in your house that you will never use.Decluttering and either selling items off or donating them to be reused will help our ecology extensively.There are a lot of everyday items that we can grow at home. One can use natural manure and grow plants the organic way. It prevents the use of harmful disinfectants that release toxins into our food and into the air. You may not be able to grow a tree in a balcony but planting many potted plants will soak in the carbon dioxide from the air.Opt for light and delicate curtains to bring in more air and light during a warm summer day. Whereas, dark and heavy curtains are essential for a home which experiences more cold days. This will help us reduce our dependence on heating and cooling appliances to a certain degree.